| 1. | It was light enough to see a long way in the empty streets 空荡无人的街上可以望见很远的地方。 |
| 2. | Fear came upon her as she walked along the empty street 她走在空荡荡的街上,突然产生一种恐惧。 |
| 3. | The moon had come out , and the empty street was bathed in white light 这时,遮住月亮的乌云散开了,大片银色的月光洒在阒无一人的街道上。 |
| 4. | The patrol car inched down the empty street and i turned cautiously toward elgie 巡逻车在空荡荡的街道上慢慢前行。我小心谨慎地转向埃尔吉。 |
| 5. | Empty streets like winter cold , feelings cut without a trace hands reach out ready to fold , another tear falls into place 大雨后的秋很凉人在外难免孤单城市里还是纷乱凭回忆取些温暖 |
| 6. | The officer , smiling and shaking his head , as though laughing at himself , ran almost at a trot along the empty streets to overtake his regiment at yauzsky bridge 军官仿佛在自我嘲弄,微笑地摇着头,几乎快步跑过空旷的街道,朝雅乌兹桥方向去追赶自己所属的团队。 |
| 7. | This situation made me feel lonely during the christmas season as i drove down the empty streets of my city and into the parking lot of the hospital where i received my daily radiation therapy 在圣诞节前几天,当我开车行驶在空荡的街头,来到医院的停车场时,觉得非常孤单而悲伤。 |
| 8. | Then a fit of weeping once more overcame him , despite all his efforts to the contrary , and , not wishing to shed tears in the presence of others , he plunged into a dark and empty street 他不愿在人面前呜呜咽咽,便钻进黑? ?的阒无一人的罗西尼街中,沿着寂静的房子,一边走一边哭得像个孩子。 |
| 9. | On the morrow , while still suffering from the shock of last night s terrors , nana went to her aunt s and at the foot of a small empty street in the batignolles found herself face to face with labordette 第二天,娜娜对前一天晚上的事还心有余悸,于是她就到她姑妈家去。在巴蒂尼奥勒的一条幽静小街的尽头,她遇上迎面而来的拉博德特。 |